Monday, July 21, 2003
Last night I watched the movie Traffic. I saw it at the cinema when it was first out, but we bought it second hand at a car boot sale, and settled down to watch it. Does anyone else think that this movie is just really really bad? I mean, its well shot, its got some great camera angles (particularly when the helicopter lands in Mexico with Michael Douglas's character in it and when the car bomb goes off), and its got some good use of slightly coloured lenses (not excatly the most innovative thing in the world, but hey, I didn't think of it). My problem is with the plot(s). Its just one of the most cliched and reactionary movies I've ever seen.
First off, I HATE the plot with Michael Douglas and his daughter, which relies on almost every possible cliche out there. Rich kid, ignored by parents, does some drugs, gets addicted, clashes with parents, runs away from home. She's so desperate for her next fix she starts banging her drug dealer and moves into prostitution. Finally she is saved only because her parents learn to listen. Heartwarming stuff! And of course you twin this with ole Michael's character - father with important job is away from home a lot, something awful happens to family, father has to re-evaluate, father learns that family is more important and that all he needs to do is listen. Could it be any more heavy-handed? And that awful last scene where the daughter stands up in the rehab centre, suddenly taking it seriously, and can at least get through the day because, well, at least everybody listens. Uuurrrghhhh.
I'd like to see a movie where the straight A student takes drugs, but because they're a straight A student, and therefore assumed to be quite intelligent, they don't get addicted, carry on getting straight As and have a great time. I hate the horrible assumption that illegal = bad. Douglas's wife makes the point that his whiskey habbit is just as much an addiction as anything their daughter does, but then this point is dropped, because, you know, thats legal, and "it just takes the edge off", so it must be ok then.
Secondly, I hate the Catherine Zeta Jones plot line too. There's some good moments, and in general its not too bad (my personal hatred for Zeta-Jones not withstanding). However, the ending just ruins it for me. The drug barron escapes, the cop-who-lost-his-partner comes round to confront him and in the ensuing scuffle, he manages to plant a bug underneath the table, and leaves with a small smug smile of self-satisfaction. The message being "don't fuck with the DEA because in the end they will get their man". The film just couldn't help needing to show that this bad bad man wasn't going to get away with it for ever. Warning kids, don't be attracted to this lifestyle, because eventually WE WILL GET YOU.
And of course, thats why the film won Oscars. Its a sheep dressed in wolf's clothing. Looks all inventive and clever from the outside. Seems like its saying revolutionary things (I'm thinking of Douglas's "How do you have a war against your own family" speech) and then just loses it balls, thinks "shit we better not upset those republican Oscar-voters" and cops out. So illegal drugs are bad, families should listen to each others, there is nothing wrong with a daily whiskey or five that you can't live without, and never ever think you can take on the mighty US of A because eventually they will get you and then you will go down. Utter shite.