Friday, February 13, 2004
Hmmm, its a bit alarming when so much of what you blog about is watching television you hate. It does begin to beg the question why are you watching the thing in the first place. So, because I'm a weak-minded fool who is drawn to the remote control like a D list celebrity to "I'm a celebrity ... get me out of here", drastic action may well have to be taken.
Yes, I'm considering actually getting rid of the TV (and PS2) completely. No more ITV. No more Maddens. No more TOTP. Scary scary stuff.
Anyway, if I do get rid of it, then maybe I'll keep a blog of what I do instead. See if its worth it. Because I figure without a TV, I'd lead a much more interesting life. I'd be forced to actually DO stuff rather than just sitting there passively watching Club Reps (actually I don't really watch club reps passively, more angrily).
So yeah, I'll keep this updated with my progress.