Sunday, July 11, 2004
2004 - Roundabout the half way mark
Well, we're over half way, just, but time for a quick list of things I've learnt so far this year. I guess the question as ever becomes "You needed to learn these things in the first place Adam?". Without further ado:
- Seeing your mate's balls is a passion-killer
- The Thames is a really fucking dirty river
- Concussions can make someone really moody
- You can travel from London all the way to Snodownia on one road - the A5
- People I don't know actually sometimes read this
- Hackney council are complete asshats
- You can get some great shoes from eBay
- James Fray's A Million Little Pieces is the best book I've read all year
- Mona Lisa Smile should never have been made
- Giving up PlayStation 2 is hard and I have relapsed
- I am supremely, stunningly, amazingly lazy
So that's where we're at kids. Revelation after revelation. Who knows what sort of zen-master-guru-of-wisdom I will have become by 2005.